When it comes to conditioning our game birds to compete on
the long knife, we are talking about preparing them to master a sport that
values speed, power, gameness, and cutting precision. Some breeds of game birds
have all these traits. However, we can train our game birds to be more agile,
strong, and precise. A fight in the long knife, most of the time, does not last
more than 2 minutes. But the way we train them will determine how prepared and
strong they are both on the short route and in the fight until the last breath.
If our game birds are already very good and come
from a proven and tested bloodline, we can improve them even more with the
proper training or conditioning. There are many conditioning methods that we
can apply to our game birds and we can train them the way we want. But keep in
mind that one of the most important parts of the conditioning of our game birds
is the rest period.